Larastrap is an open source project, and you can help in fixing, extending and improving it.
To prepare your development environment, run
git clone
cd larastrap
composer install
It is possible to use your local (and, eventually, modified) version of the library on any locally installed Laravel application, for example by adding it temporarily to your composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "/your/local/copy/of/larastrap"
"require": {
"madbob/larastrap": "dev-master"
To execute unit tests, run
Please ensure that all tests pass before submitting your merge request, otherwise it will be blocked by automatic checks.
The standard PHP code style is adopted. To automatically format the code you add or change, run
Please ensure to execute this command before to submit your merge request, otherwise it will be blocked by automatic checks.
The code of this website is also available on GitLab and can be improved with clarifications, examples, new tricky custom elements or just grammatical fixes.
Do not forget to leave a Star on the GitLab repository!
Fun facts: the GitLab support on Composer and Packagist - the popular PHP package manager - has been added by the Larastrap's maintainer primarily to improve coverage for this library! See: this and this pull requests!
To support the development, evolution and maintainance of Larastrap please consider to contribute with a donation.
Larastrap's maintainer invites all professional developers using open source software within their daily job (desktop or web applications, modules, libraries...) to distribute 1% of their annual revenues to those same open projects from which the revenues themselves have been generated.
To easily retrieve informations about projects accepting donations you can use